About Us
The LAW Learners
“Sed lex dura lex, - "The Law is hard, but it is the Law.”
- Cassandra Clare
The LAW Learners, has been created for the purpose of acquainting everyone with the laws in an absolutely new way. Today Legal Education is perceived as the backbone of the country but it is not easy to gain the same.
The LAW Learners has now been incubated under GNLU and recognized and funded by the GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT under its SSIP Scheme.
It involves multiple complexities, along with numerable interpretations. It consistently requires the guidance and demands reading up of bulky 1000 pages books. Then too one doesn’t get 100% proficiency, and still, there remain lots of questions in our mind that go unanswered. This led to the idea of learning the laws so that legal education reaches every section of society without making it boring and tiresome rather an enjoyable experience.
We thought of coming up with a platform for you guys where you can acquaint yourself with laws added to that u learnt them.So we have designed Certificate Courses which are ABSOLUTELY FREE [knowledge should be free of cost] wherein you can even learn the complex laws as well as earn and gain based on your performance. That is not all we organise various competitions as well for writing lovers and winners get exciting rewards.
We hope this move will benefit the mass and our nation will become more informed about these laws which although look complex but are nothing but common and reasonable sense.
We provide exciting and creative ways of being certified with courses as you move on with your Law School. The assignments you get at the end of the courses will definitely take you to the practical side of laws. WE ASSURE!