ELIGIBILITY – Anyone is eligible to participate in the Competition and express their views and thoughts. There is no bar on eligibility. We invite Law Students, Non Law Students, Advocates, Professionals, Jurists, Members of the Academia etc. to participate in the Competition.
The Competition runs on a very simple line of Action.
“Imagine, you were acting as the Parliament of India for a day. You are given the veto power of making any one Constitutional Amendment to the Indian Constitution. This amendment may include any sort of addition/ alteration/ omission to the existing Articles or insertion of an altogether new Article to the Constitution. In the mentioned scenario, what would be the amendment that you shall come up with and Why?”
We however wish to put to your notice that you shall insert ONLY ONE Amendment to ONLY ONE Article of the Constitution, or can alternatively insert ONLY ONE New Article (Along with its Article Number) to the Constitution.
MINIMUM :- 600 words
MAXIMUM :- 1200 words
We expect you to be to the point and choose your words wisely enough so that only relevant content reaches us.
Your Submission would be summarily rejected if any plagiarism is found or if it does not abide by the Word Limit strictly.
The entries shall be judged by Esteemed Faculty Members of Law Schools in India on the following Marking Criteria.
Utility for the Society 20 marks
New Ideas 15 marks
Strength of the Argument 15 marks
Total Marks 50 marks
REGISTRATION FEES - There is NO Registration Fees whatsoever. The idea of the Competition is to promote new thoughts and innovative recommendations.
Last date to Apply - February 14 '2019
Result Declaration - February 20 '2019
HOW TO APPLY – Apply for the Competition by Filling this Application Form . You may attach the Submission Document in Word or Pdf Format in the form. If any problem persists in the Application Form, you can simply mail us your submissions with your personal details i.e. Name, Contact Details, Designation and Institution at