For Law Students and Legal Professionals, we would strongly suggest our
ENROLLED - 24925
Inculcated into the Indian Justice Delivery System through the onset of colonial era, the law of Torts has now become a latent legal domain unused and unknown. However the remedies under Torts are certainly very potent to ensure day to day harmonious and peaceful working of the society. The Course aims to provide insight for the better utilization of Tort Laws and know the ground level of justice available to them even for slightest wrongs thereby ensuring “ubi jus ibi remedium”
ENROLLED - 24454
People deal on a very large scale, precisely daily with different forms of Contract ranging from very basic everyday chores to most complex business transactions. The universality of Contracts make it prone to breach and misuse often when people do not possess sound knowledge in this regard. The Course aims to make people aware about their Rights duties and remedies under any contract and help them distinguish between valid and invalid contracts to ensure that they are not subjected to compensatory breaches.
ENROLLED - 26412
One of the most witnessed litigations in the Indian Judiciary is enforcement the Fundamental Rights. The Supreme Court being the guardian of the Constitution is entrusted to make sure the compliance of all legal norms with the fundamental rights of people. The Course aims to make people aware about their fundamental rights which cannot be abridged by actions of State and ensure that they know the remedies to be taken in case of breach of their grund rights to ensure justice.
One of the most ubiquitous monsters that the country faces is the ever increasing and diversifying crimes against women. Although the country possesses numerable norms and laws to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the women, the problem persists in terms of knowledge and implementation of these norms. The Course aims to bring awareness in the takers about the Rights and Provisions available to women in case they face any injustice physical or mental and tries to ensure a healthy environment for them full of insights and knowledge.
ENROLLED - 22011
Law has not been created abruptly through a big bang. There lies a complex network of legal ideas, theories and knowledge working harmoniously to ensure that the rules created are just and rational and to make sure that law is created for the welfare of the citizens. To study the philosophy of law is of esteemed importance for a person learning laws, this is so because laws are for mankind involving spiritual ideas and are not solely a machinery construction. The course aims to bring the knowledge about the philosophy of law for the readers who in turn learn about the very working of the legal fraternity.

ENROLLED - 21396
The codified legal norms cannot have a universally defined scope covering all areas of justice delivery. To certain high limits the principles of Natural Justice based on Equity and good conscience come into play. They are vital to ensure justice to the people even when the laws of land fail to provide remedies in such instants. The Course aims to make the takers aware about the Universal Laws of Justice provided to them by the Nature itself i.e. from the very beginning of the Human Civilization and ensure that justice is still available at places where the Lex Loci do not appear to reach.
ENROLLED - 22455
Quite many times numerable amounts of contracts combine to form a larger entity of Partnership, which although has the shape of basic contracts, but functions differently. The Course aims to make the takers aware about the basic right duties and remedies available to the Partners of a partnership firm as such partnerships are becoming very prominent in the growing era of Globalization. The Course also aims to instill such awareness in the takers as to ensure that people under a Partnership are not subjected to frauds breaches and unwanted losses.
Marriages under Hindu Law are considered to be a sacrament. The Indian Society still does not know about the legal rights and duties under a marriage thereby leading to the cases of many broken marriages with little or no remedy to the dependent partner, creating utter injustice. The Course aims to make people aware about their Marital Rights, Duties, Obligations, Termination and the like.
ENROLLED - 22984
Course Conducted by - Asst. Prof. Garima Goswami, GNLU
Negotiable Instruments form a significant part of our lives. It includes various elements and aspects including the infamous Section 138, NI Act dealing with Dishonour of Cheque. The Course aims to deal with the aims and objectives of the said act, including numerous components provided under the act and most significantly the imposition of criminal liability on a civil wrong.

ENROLLED - 21110
Unlike the past, the corporate world is highly concerned with the aspects of corporate governance due to the strengthening of norms. The regulators have roped in new norms and organizations stand bound by them. Through this course, we aim to introduce our course takers with the basis of Corporate Governance.
Important note - Starting June 2023, a certificate redemption fee of Rs. 100 shall be applicable.

Indian Penal Code 1860 is one India's oldest legislation and the most significant law for the criminal justice system of the country. IPC has survived for over 160 years now and this indeed is an example of how brilliantly the Code was drafted. Here we bring a course on IPC to enlighten the Indian public on the substantive criminal law of India.

Banking and insurance form the two most important pillars of an economy. It is important to learn the basics of the two growing industries of India since numerous opportunities will be flowing in the sectors. The course aims to develop the skills which are required to be dealt with legal aspects related to the banking and insurance laws in India.

Capital markets are regarded as the financial pulse of the economy. An economy’s maturity is perceived by the robustness of its stock market Dedicated to enhancing an interdisciplinary legal and securities market education for the academic community, as well as for experienced legal and business practitioners related to financial markets, the course provides a scope to the sharpening of skills and learning the tools to be an effective business lawyer.

Competition law has emerged as a very interesting as well as a lucrative sector in India. It has seen majority of its growth in the past decade only. Competition regime was regarded as a fairly mature regime in the developed nations however at present even India's competition law regime is regarded as growing and mature. The course shall delve into the basics of competition law in India and shall help you comprehend the Competition Act, 2002.